In spite of the fact that he was recognized in the Indian chess world at very young age of fourteen when he won the National Sub-Junior chess championship in 1983 with perfect score of nine out of nine. Then he became the youngest Asian winning the title of International Master in the following year 1984, he then had to play several years of challenging sequence of knockout matches in order to become five times World chess champion.
When he qualified for his first Candidates tournament in 1993 he lost in quarterfinal to Anatoly Karpov of Russia, and then again losing quarter final match to GataKamsky, Soviet born American in 1995.During this period his patience, determination and perseverance to win finally made him World Chess Championship in 2000 at age of thirty-one by defeating Alexei Shirov of Russia in the final match of knockout tournament.
In the following years of his career he won the title of World chess champion no less than four more times in 2007, 2008, 2010 and 2012.
In the 2012 World chess championship tournamentwas held and he did not only win the championship but played the shortest game in the history of the World chess championship event by finishing his 8th game in only 17 moves against Boris Gelfand of Israel. The game was held in Tretyakov gallery, Moscow from 10th to 30th May. He defended the title, having gained it in 2007, against Vladimir Kramnik in 2008 and Veselin Topalov in 2010.
He lost his place of World chess champion in 2013 to Magnus Carlsen of Norway. It was held on November from 9th to 22nd in Chennai, India. After playing successful rounds defeating his opponents in the 2014 tournaments he recently participated in. Carlsen and Anand will have a re-match against each other in November at the final match of World chess championship 2014.
Nanda is one of the very few people who have been awarded the most civilian honors in India including the highest sporting award rajiv Gandhi Knelratna in1991, youngest recipient of Pdma Shri award for his achievements in chess (sport). Also he was awarded third civilian honour padma Bhushan for his service to the Indian Nation in 2000 after winning the world chess championship
Not only in India has Anand been awarded the highest civilian award, Jameo de oroâin in Spain where he lives with his family, wife Aruna and son akhil. Regardless of all his Achievement and all the awards he has been receipted of, Anand has always been focused on his game and an active supporter of any potential rising young talent to take after him and his successors.
He will be receiving his Doctorate after a controversy had occurred over his citizenship. His Nationality is India even after staying in Spain for some time. Ministry of Human Resource Development in The Country apologized for the embracement. He holds Bachelors of commerce from Loyola College, Chennai. Foundation for promoting and supporting young talent is one of the organizations he is involved with, being in the board of directors. On social media he is known as; tweeter vishy64theking and facebook is known as Viswanathan Anand. In his free time he likes to read, swim and listen to music. He has also written books on chess that help reader understand chess and learn chess effectively. Viswanathan is committed and focused with his daily life and especially when he is playing chess and this has earned a lot of respect and honor from funs and the players.
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